
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Sparkly Mom - Intro

I am really excited to start this blog as part of a start on a new journey in my life.  I am the mom of a precious, adorable, spunky two year old.  She is amazing!  She is also exhausting.  Motherhood has took a real toll on me over the past two years.  I had a difficult pregnancy, which included a month of bed rest and then a NICU premie, but thankfully she is healthy and amazing now!  I still don't think my body and mind have quite bounced back from the fatigue and stress of a difficult pregnancy and the strains of motherhood.  But I have decided that it is time I do something about that and start actively focusing on recovering me!  I spend so much time focusing on my child and my job (I'm an accountant - now doesn't that sound exciting) that I don't devote very much energy to myself.

I had mild postpartum depression and started seeing a therapist during that time.  I have continued seeing the therapist and she gave me a project a few months ago.  I had to design a pie chart showing how my time was currently spent and then one showing how I'd like for it to be spent.  I learned a few really important things from this exercise.  First, I learned that I spend a lot of time at work!  Second, when I started trying to create the how I want my time to be spent pie chart I had a hard time coming up with concrete examples.  I started with things like I want to spend more time with friends.  Well which friends?  The ones that I was super close to 7 years ago, but now live 3 hours away from?  Yea, probably not gonna happen.  The ones who are single and still think I should be able to stay out until 3 a.m.?  Ummm, yea also probably not gonna work.  The ones who also have infants and toddlers and barely have time to get any sleep as it is?  Well maybe, after all we do have a lot in common, but finding the time with everyone's busy schedules can be difficult.  Being a mommy can be very lonely.  I miss my core friend group from college and my core friend group from my first job in my early twenties and my core friend group from my partying days in my mid-twenties.  I've had so many great friends along this path called life, how did they suddenly all disappear?  Oh yea, I moved several hours away from some and then I had a baby and stopped having time to go out every weekend, or pretty much any weekend.  So anyway, that is my very long winded way of saying I realized that it is time to invest in myself and find my core friend group for my early thirties as a new mommy.  I am not yet sure what this is going to look like for me.  Maybe it will be some of the friends from the previous groups I mentioned that I can make more of an effort to connect with again or maybe it will be completely new friends who share my new interests and challenges.  I don't have all the solutions yet, but at least I have now identified the problem and am going to spend some time on me!

I am not sure where to start on this making friends journey.  It sounds so simple.  I have done it all my life!  But it is harder in your thirties!  Everyone is so busy.  I have decided to start with some activities that I will enjoy and if I make some new friends along the way then that's awesome and if not, at least I got some exercise or learned a new skill.  The first two things that I have decided to try are yoga and cake decorating.  I found a Groupon for a cheap deal on Yoga classes and I have always wanted to be able to decorate those gorgeous 3 tier cakes.  

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